The Clean Eating 28-Day Plan Review

The Clean Eating 28-Day Plan: A Healthy Cookbook and 4-Week Plan for Eating Clean
by Rockridge Press

I’ve read a number of clean eating books, and this book is formatted better than most of the other resources. While a 28-day eating plan may be intimidating to a newbie, the recipes look good and include basics like salad dressings that could allow someone to ease into eating cleaner. I do like the resources the book offers – links to useful sites, pantry lists, and other basics that can help to get started.

Thanks to LibraryThing for providing me a copy in exchange for my honest review.

This review was initially published on LibraryThing on 11/05/2014.

About Amy Sparks

Amy is an unashamed book addict. She’s reinventing her life to make reading a regular part of her days so she can attack her long TBR list. What to read? Whatever strikes her fancy. She’ll read anything, except cleaning instructions.

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